Monday, March 28, 2011

Mud Mystery in Vermont

Finally finished the quilt top now just to get it quilted and I will be on to the next one.

Working on my second pieced border now. this is really shaping up to be very pretty! Just one more plain 2 inch border and finishing up a few more blocks for the left side and the quilt top will be done. Going to Mary Jo's Saturday to find a backing fabric and then I will be ready to quilt it next week. This one is for Tanya and Adam.

Relay for Life bag that I made to honor my Sister Ann Stone a 6 year survivor of Breast Cancer this past weekend!!

Here is the quilt top ready for assembly. I really like how it came out. More pictures when done!!

I am so excited to be only 10 days away from my annual trip to Vermont!

Once a year I go to Vermont, usually in April and together with my sister, Ann,

we do a Mud Mystery Quilt at Middlebury Sew and Vac quilt shop.

Last years mystery is the beautiful red and tan quilt on my last post!! I will

post a picture of it finished and on a bed soon. This weekend I was in a panic

to find the perfect fabric for this years mystery, as I have some pre-cutting

and sewing to do before the class. Finding the right fabric was a challenge, as

the best choices we were told would be baticks. I love baticks and thought

it would be a simple task. It did not play out quite that way, but at last it is done.

Here are my fabric choices. I can't wait to get the mystery solved and see how

beautiful the quilt will be. Unfortunately the color is not as vivid as the actual

fabric is where the lightest color is actually a light green and blue not as it appears

to be a neutral color. Standby for pictures after the mystery class and I return

from the cold, cold New England wintery weather. I have been promised NO SNOW!!

We will see if that pr0mise stands up or not.


Hey ... I'm Lindsay ! said...

Hey Jeanne ... LOVE the pics on your blog... you have quite a talent there! I met you at Mary Jo's in Charlotte... I'm Lindsay the SavedSinnr ... hope to see more of you in the coming days ... we love meeting up with new quilters!

Florida Farm Girl said...

Hi Jeanne -- I'm so glad Lindsay corraled you at Mary Jo's and brought your wonderful talent to light for us on the HGTV quilting board. You have done some wonderful work and I'm gonna be following along and drooling regularly!!! And I've added you to my blog list.
