Friday, November 6, 2009

Fall Block Swap and Block of the Month

The quilting is now done.

My Final setting now is ready for quilting.

I am a member of the APQS online forum and this past summer we did a block swap of Fall Blocks. I recieved 12 blocks from all over the United States and even two from Australia! Last month at our guild meeting I was lucky enough to win some Blocks from the Block of the Month. I recieved 24 8 inch blocks and realized these would go great with my Fall Blocks. So here are some of the settings that I have come up with so far for the blocks. I am having just too much fun with these. Enjoy!!

I just added the top picture of a third option for these blocks. i think this is the one that I will be working with. Decisions, Decisions!!


KK said...

wow, I love your fall swap blocks and the BOM blocks are perfect with it. I can't decide which setting I like better - they are both very nice.

Jeanne said...

thanks Karen

I have still not quite decided but have come up with a 3rd option that I think I will use still different from both of these. Will add the 3rd option picture soon. Jeanne

KK said...

I really really like the third option. That extra block that came in last night will help out - might be some more come floating in next month as we got four blocks from July last night!! And I think I might have a bit of one of the fabrics left over- I'll look and email you.