Monday, December 14, 2015

Allietare Link Up #3

So here we are on week number three of the mystery.  And believe it or not I am all caught up even with all the Christmas stockings and projects that I have been working on.  Here are my pictures of the units getting done so far.


Feathers in my Nest said...

Applause for Jeanne! you've been a busy Gal..

Andee said...

Looking good so far!

Vireya said...

You've used some lovely fabrics.

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Very pretty colors, so far the clues have been so easy...what will Friday bring?

Jeanne said...

Sure don't know why my picture is so big that I can only see half of what is in the box. Will try to scale it down next week. Tomorrow is clue day. Yippee!!