Sunday, February 7, 2010

What is Next

Well, I don't have the option of letting the machine cool off as I am on a mission to finish one more quilt in time for our Feb 28th turn in for our show. So yesterday I finished the applique part of my " Twenty leagues under the sea Quilt" and got it loaded onto the frame. It is only 60 x 60 so I hope it will be done in plenty of time as I still have sleeves and labels to make for all 6 quilts that I am entering. Anyway, here is a picture of it from yesterdays work.


Judy Heyward said...

So beautiiful, Jeanne. I love your colors.

Jeanne said...

Thanks Judy, I still havent finished this one, coming down to the wire to get it done, less than two weeks till turn in for the show!!